| |
- Method resolution order:
- BrowserView
- ranger.gui.widgets.Widget
- ranger.gui.displayable.DisplayableContainer
- ranger.gui.displayable.Displayable
- ranger.core.shared.EnvironmentAware
- ranger.core.shared.FileManagerAware
- ranger.gui.curses_shortcuts.CursesShortcuts
- ranger.core.shared.SettingsAware
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, win, ratios, preview=True)
- change_ratios(self, ratios)
- click(self, event)
- close_pager(self)
- draw(self)
- finalize(self)
- open_pager(self)
- poke(self)
- request_clear(self)
- resize(self, y, x, hei, wid)
- Resize all the columns according to the given ratio
Data and other attributes defined here:
- draw_bookmarks = False
- draw_hints = False
- draw_info = False
- is_collapsed = False
- need_clear = False
- old_collapse = False
- preview = True
- ratios = None
- stretch_ratios = None
Data and other attributes inherited from ranger.gui.widgets.Widget:
- vcsfilestatus_symb = {'changed': ('*', ['vcschanged']), 'conflict': ('X', ['vcsconflict']), 'deleted': ('-', ['vcschanged']), 'ignored': ('·', ['vcsignored']), 'none': (' ', []), 'staged': ('*', ['vcsstaged']), 'sync': ('√', ['vcssync']), 'unknown': ('?', ['vcsunknown']), 'untracked': ('+', ['vcschanged'])}
- vcsremotestatus_symb = {'ahead': ('>', ['vcsahead']), 'behind': ('<', ['vcsbehind']), 'diverged': ('Y', ['vcsdiverged']), 'none': (' ', []), 'sync': ('=', ['vcssync']), 'unknown': ('?', ['vcsunknown'])}
Methods inherited from ranger.gui.displayable.DisplayableContainer:
- add_child(self, obj)
- Add the objects to the container.
- destroy(self)
- Recursively called on objects in container
- press(self, key)
- Recursively called on objects in container
- remove_child(self, obj)
- Remove the object from the container.
Methods inherited from ranger.gui.displayable.Displayable:
- __bool__ = __nonzero__(self)
- Always True
- __contains__(self, item)
- Checks if item is inside the boundaries.
item can be an iterable like [y, x] or an object with x and y methods.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Always True
- __str__(self)
- contains_point(self, y, x)
- Test whether the point lies inside this object.
x and y should be absolute coordinates.
Methods inherited from ranger.core.shared.EnvironmentAware:
env = None
Data descriptors inherited from ranger.core.shared.EnvironmentAware:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from ranger.gui.curses_shortcuts.CursesShortcuts:
- addch(self, *args)
- addnstr(self, *args)
- addstr(self, *args)
- color(self, *keys)
- Change the colors from now on.
- color_at(self, y, x, wid, *keys)
- Change the colors at the specified position
- color_reset(self)
- Change the colors to the default colors
- set_fg_bg_attr(self, fg, bg, attr)